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Naval Warfare
Swedish Navy and Saab sign deal on autonomous mine countermeasures vessels
13th December 2024
The AUV will use high-resolution sonar images to detect mines on the seabed without endangering personnel.
Naval Warfare
New US Navy batteries are deemed submarine-safe
13th November 2024
The use of Passive Propagation Technology significantly reduces the risk of Lithium-ion batteries for use in torpedo tube launched AUVs.
Naval Warfare
BAE Systems’ Herne XLAUV set to hunt for underwater intelligence
13th November 2024
The Herne is modular, highly configurable underwater autonomous platform, with potential for both ISR missions in the short term and self-determined assistance surveillance later.
Naval Warfare
Kuwait set to get Double Eagle underwater UV
12th December 2023
The Double Eagle, a remotely operated vehicle/autonomous underwater vehicle hybrid platform, has been designed to assist MCM operations. As a modular system, it can be reconfigured to suit different roles, including mine reconnaissance and mine disposal.
Naval Warfare
Turkish Navy looks to advance maritime power with 2024 fleet expansion
22nd January 2024
Turkish Navy has ambitious plans to expand and modernize its fleet with new warships, submarines, drones and missiles in 2024.
Naval Warfare
New Italian Navy uncrewed systems receive initial funding
3rd November 2023
The Italian Navy has been notable for its significant lack of investment in uncrewed systems and has no operational capabilities in this domain, but the recent three-year Defence Programmes document has initiated two new projects.
Naval Warfare
Australia narrows the field for Sea 1905 MCM programme
11th October 2023
The Australian navy's mine countermeasures programme is moving forward ever so slowly.
Naval Warfare
DSEI 2023: Exail in competition for Australian mine countermeasures contract
14th September 2023
French company Exail's UMIS maritime mine countermeasure (MCM) multi-drone system is in competition for a Royal Australian Navy contract.
Naval Warfare
How serious a threat is North Korea's nuclear-armed navy?
8th September 2023
As well as splurging on ballistic weapons, North Korea has been developing submarines and surface combatants capable of firing nuclear-tipped missiles. Largely based on outdated designs, do they nonetheless pose a serious regional threat?
Air Warfare
KAI ramps up LAH production even as it develops new Surion variants
18th October 2023
KAI has continued to invest heavily in helicopters, including in its ability to deploy and operate with uncrewed systems.
Naval Warfare
Indian Navy tries again to procure minehunters, but this time it goes futuristic
4th September 2023
The Indian Navy is looking to the future with MCMVs that integrate a lot of autonomous technology. Meanwhile, other construction projects, such as ASWSWCs and survey vessels, are proceeding.
Defence Helicopter
South Korean marines receive final Marineon helicopters
19th July 2023
The ROK Marine Corps now has a full complement of indigenously built MUH-1 Marineon helicopters.
Naval Warfare
Taiwan reveals first indigenous submarine to much fanfare
2nd October 2023
Taiwan has made good progress with its submarine programme, revealing its initial boat in late September.
Naval Warfare
Israel’s IAI lifts lid on new uncrewed submarine
15th May 2023
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has lifted the lid on a new large AUV, the BlueWhale, which can be used for covert intelligence gathering, detection of submarines and seabed warfare.
Uncrewed Vehicles
Anduril to use Dive-LD AUV in undersea infrastructure mission
7th April 2023
The defence disruptor sees autonomous vehicles playing a pivotal role in the defence of undersea critical national infrastructure.
Programme Results - Defence Insight
Kormoran II Class MCM (4-6) [Poland]
Programme Background Timeline As of March 2022, the Kormoran II-class consists of six minehunters for the Polish Navy. However, as of June 2022, only one vessel has been ...
Tripartite Class Replacement Programme [Belgium]
Programme Background A joint Dutch-Belgian procurement programme is procuring 12 new Mine Countermeasures Vessels (MCMV) to replace the ageing Tripartite-class MCM, which are due to ...
Tripartite Class Replacement Programme [Netherlands]
Programme Background A joint Dutch-Belgian procurement programme is procuring 12 new Mine Countermeasures Vessels (MCMV) to replace the ageing Tripartite class MCM's which are due ...
Equipment Results - Defence Insight
Military - UUVs
Hugin 1000
The Hugin 1000 AUV can be used for offshore surveying, MCM and rapid environmental assessment operations, marine research and hydrography.
Military - UUVs
The Dive-LD is a modular autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) initially developed by Dive Technologies, which was acquired by US defence contractor Anduril in 2022.
Military - UUVs
Greyshark is an autonomous underwater vessel (AUV) developed by the German company Euroatlas and first showcased at Euronaval 2024 in Paris.
Military - UUVs
The A18 is a high-resolution, high-coverage, mid-size AUV. It is able to perform missions such as homeland security, hydrographic survey, mine countermeasures and rapid environmental ...
Data links
Seatooth+ Power
Seatooth+ Power combines the ability to transmit and receive data wirelessly and also provides a wireless power source in a single unit. It incorporates short-range, ...
Vertex AUV
The Vertex AUV is a fleet of small, portable and highly integrated vehicles, designed for commercial and civil applications. The Vertex, with a weight of ...
Military - UUVs
The MiLLi AUV is a lightweight platform designed for mine and torpedo detection in harbour channels. It is also capable of supporting rescue missions and ...
Military - UUVs
Remus 100
The Remus 100 AUV can be used for hydrographic surveys, MCM operations, harbour security, environmental monitoring and debris field mapping. Additional capabilities include search and ...
Integrated Mine Countermeasures System (IMCMS) is a sea-proven device designed for MCM operations against modern mines in all waters. It covers mine warfare, including sweeping, ...
Military UAS - fixed-wing, Military UAS - tactical
Vector Hawk
The Vector Hawk UAV can switch between multiple configurations, including fixed-wing, VTOL and tiltrotor, for different missions. The Vector Hawk has fully autonomous flight, landing ...
Remus 6000
The Remus 6000 AUV can be used for hydrographic surveys, environmental monitoring, debris field mapping, search and salvage operations, fishery operations, scientific sampling and mapping. ...
Seaglider M6
The Seaglider M6 is an AUV developed for continuous, long-term measurement of oceanographic parameters. It is based on the original Seaglider technology and the design ...
Military - UUVs
The A9 is a light, man-portable AUV, enabling deployment from small craft and in shallow water as a hand-launched vehicle. This AUV embeds the latest ...
Sparus II
Sparus II is a lightweight, multipurpose AUV that can be employed for industrial, scientific and academic applications. The system has been designed with a torpedo ...
Hugin 6000
Hugin 6000 is an AUV used for offshore surveying, marine research and hydrography.