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Lockheed calls for ‘forward-looking approach’ on F-35 engine at Paris Air Show

22nd June 2023 - 14:26 GMT | by Norbert Neumann in Paris


The Pentagon chose to upgrade to the F-35’s current engines under the Engine Core Upgrade programme, instead of funding a a replacement. (Photo: US DoD)

Lockheed Martin emphasises the need for more power and cooling, suggesting a potential requirement for an Adaptive Engine Transition Program (AETP) performance-related improvement, a programme that was recently revived by the House Armed Services Committee.

Lockheed Martin thinks the AETP will be needed for future F-35s, considering more demanding capability and performance requirements in an ever-evolving battlespace environment.

The company's executive VP of aeronautics Greg Ulmer told Shephard during an interview that the F-35 will be flying into the 2070s, and he envisions there will be Block 5, 6 and even 7.

‘There will be demand required for more power, more cooling,’ he said. ‘I believe, at some time in the future, there’ll be a requirement from the customer for an AETP performance-related improvement.

‘I also believe it’s not just the engine, but it’s the Power and

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Norbert Neumann


Norbert Neumann

Norbert is the Aviation, Military Training & Simulation reporter at Shephard Media. Before joining Shephard in …

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