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US, UK and naval Saudi forces conduct mine countermeasure training

17th July 2020 - 11:50 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF), UK RN and USN conducted a three-week mine countermeasure training exercise in the Arabian Gulf in June, aimed at increasing interoperability between the navies.

According to US Central Command the training, which ran from 6-21 June consisted of simulations where units practiced detecting and classifying training aids shaped like mines while following standardised procedures.

‘This training provides a perfect opportunity for the US Navy and our Coalition and regional partners to strengthen our mutual interoperability in addition to refining and developing our mine countermeasures methods and tactics,’ said CAPT Jeffrey Morganthaler, Commodore of Combined Task Force 52.

Participating ships included the USN’s USS Dextrous and USS Gladiator, UK RN mine countermeasure vessel HMS Brocklesby and the RSNF’s HMS Al Shaqra.

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