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DSEI 2023: Inzpire extends training support to Royal Air Force

8th September 2023 - 12:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team in London


Synthetic and live training specialists from Inzpire will provide specific C2 and battlespace management support, and assist with planning, courseware, exercise scenarios and supporting live and synthetic training for the RAF. (Photo: via Inzpire)

Inzpire's Collective Training Division (CTD) has been awarded a two-year contract to provide subject matter expertise support for 20 Squadron’s Qualified Weapons Instructor (Command & Control) Course (QWI (C2)) at RAF Boulmer.

Ahead of DSEI 2023, Inzpire’s Collective Training Division (CTD) has secured a two-year contract to deliver subject matter expertise support to 20 Squadron’s (QWI (C2) course at RAF Boulmer.

Synthetic and live training specialists from across CTD will provide specific C2 and battlespace management support, and assist with phases of the QWI (C2) course including planning, courseware, exercise scenarios and supporting live and synthetic training.

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In addition to QWI (C2) support, Inzpire will assist with the Combat Ready Operators Course (CROC), which teaches qualified operators from 19 and 20 Sqns to provide advanced tactical air command and control and battle management, including tactical control of fighter aircraft in complex, contested joint air operations scenarios. 

The QWI (C2) works closely with the QWI (Combat Air), which has stood up to deliver a combined QWI course for Typhoon and F-35 pilots based at RAF Coningsby and RAF Marham; Inzpire already has staff embedded at both locations carrying out a similar role to those at Boulmer.

Richard Tattersall, head of CTD, said: ''This work will complement the work done by our teams supporting Combat Air and Reaper QWICs. Whilst these contracts are separate, our teams work collegially to ensure the RAF receives the very best coordinated training; there are synergies and benefits to this approach for the students, staff and RAF.'

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