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Dutch warships' mid-life upgrade to de-risk systems for future air defence frigate

13th September 2023 - 12:00 GMT | by Tim Fish in Auckland


HNLMS Evertsen (F805), along with sister ship HNLMS De Ruyter (F804), will receive the full package of upgrades over the next decade and will serve as de-risking platforms for new capabilities that will be fitted to the successor FuAD vessels. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

The Royal Netherland’s Navy (RNLN’s) four De Zeven Provincien-class (LCF) frigates are near to completing a series of upgrades that will enable the ships to operate effectively until replacements are delivered, with the refit informing future requirements.

As well as receiving systems needed for a life extension the LCF frigates will also be installed with new weapons and sensors that will eventually be used on the new Future Air Defender (FuAD) warship that will replace the LCFs in the 2030s.

A spokesperson from the Dutch MoD (MoD) told Shephard: 'The requirements for FuAD are being drawn up. It is likely that an evolution of systems that are now fitted on LCF will be fitted on FuAD.'

According to the spokesperson, HNLMS Evertsen (F805) is in refit and will be the last ship to complete its Mid-Life

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Tim Fish


Tim Fish

Tim Fish is a special correspondent for Shephard Media. Formerly the editor of Land Warfare …

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