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USAF orders Litening pods with colour capability

8th July 2020 - 16:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The USAF has placed an initial order with Northrop Grumman for the latest version of the Litening advanced targeting pod.

The pod includes full-colour digital video (with resolution of more than 1k x 1k) and two-colour laser spot search and track, the company announced on 7 July.

A colour video capability gives aircrew and ground forces ‘more complete situational understanding in less time’, said Ryan Tintner, VP of navigation, targeting and surveillance at Northrop Grumman.

Any Litening pod can be upgraded to the colour configuration. This upgrade also includes the ability to record simultaneous video feeds from all sensors for post-mission analysis, automatic laser code display and an eye-safe mode that allows for more realistic training while using the laser.

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