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SEA installs APT at UK defence academy

16th February 2017 - 09:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


SEA has installed an Aircraft Procedural Trainer (APT) at the UK Defence Academy at Shrivenham, the company announced on 14 February.

The APT will provide an immersive, high fidelity, 3D virtual environment for training students in flight deck and land-based operations.

The flight deck simulator is the latest iteration of the company's DECKsim technology. The system provides emulated control panels for the various systems that students are required to operate on the flight deck. It enables them to train for standard operating procedures and emergency drills which otherwise would be difficult and expensive if live aircraft were used.

Platforms are based on two ship models, Type 45 and the Queen Elizabeth class carrier; and two aircraft types, Merlin and Wildcat.

Andy McGowan, business development executive, SEA, said: 'The DECKsim simulator demonstrates another way in which a virtual environment and emulations can be employed for training individuals. With the introduction of the QE Class carriers in particular, the latest simulators will be a valuable asset in delivering low-cost effective training for students.'

SEA will also support the system while it is in use at the academy.

AW159 Wildcat

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