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SRC selected for US Air Force IMD support services

28th October 2019 - 15:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


SRC is to provide intelligence mission data (IMD) support services to the US Air Force’s National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) under a General Services Administration blanket purchase agreement announced on 28 October.

Under the agreement, SRC will provide the services for five base years and a potential five additional option years as one of two contractor teaming arrangement awardees. As a team lead, SRC will work with teammates including Altamira, Booz Allen Hamilton, Dynetics and Macauley-Brown. 

NASIC’s IMD programme supports Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in performing IMD staging, engineering analysis, technologies development and training activities.

Paul Tremont, CEO, SRC, said: ‘We are proud to be able to provide the highly specialised IMD engineering services and tools that the air force relies on. We look forward to working with our industry partners to help ensure that our warfighters can complete their missions and return home safely.’

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