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How to build navigational resilience for your military in a hackable world

17th September 2024 - 10:45 GMT | by Tony Fyler


An anti-drone jammer, the NEROD F5-5. (Photo: French Army, Licence Ouverte, via Wikimedia Commons)

If the position or navigation information of your defence assets are compromised, they are as good as useless.

QinetiQ, a UK-based defence and technology company, recently announced plans to expand its current facility for testing the position, navigation and timing (PNT) resilience of British defence assets. The company will build a new £20 million (US$26 million) facility at the Boscombe Down military base, which will be large enough and sophisticated enough to test the resilience of some of the UK’s largest defence assets, including Protector drones, Chinook helicopters and even the F-35 fighter jet.

But how crucial is PNT resilience in the 21st century? Why is it worth spending so much money to test a single

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Tony Fyler


Tony Fyler

Tony Fyler is defence reporter at Shephard. He has experience in business and technology …

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