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NH90 carries out French Frigate tests

6th July 2009 - 10:05 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Eurocopter and DCNS have been carrying out compatibility tests with the NH90 aboard a French Navy air defence frigate.

The tests were carried out on June 25 and 26 onboard the the Horizon-class ship Chevalier Paul in dock at Toulon.

The NH90 NFH (NATO Frigate Helicopter) will eventually replace the Super Frelon and Lynx in French Navy service.

As part of the ongoing test programme for the helicopter, the aircraft was landed aboard ensuring the ship's flight deck could take the weight of the helicopter at 11 tones.

The primary reason for the test however was to ensure the ship's deck handling system, called SAMAHE worked with the NH90. SAMAHE uses a fully automatic operation in order to improve flight-deck safety. It also features a new securing system which provides for increased on-deck stability in heavy seas up to Sea States five and six.

The first four NFHs for the French Navy will be delivered in 2010.


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