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Paris Air Show: MBDA open to commonality across European future fighter weapons

22nd June 2023 - 10:00 GMT | by Harry Lye in Paris


Not a missile and not a drone, MBDA's expendable remote carriers are designed to help fighters maintain air superiority into the future. (Photo: MBDA)

European missile-maker MBDA said it was open to commonality at the weapons layer between Europe’s two competing sixth-generation fighter projects.

The company, which spans Europe, is involved in both the Franco-German-Spanish Future Combat Air System programme – known as FCAS or SCAF – and the Anglo-Italian-Japanese Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP).

While both programmes are, in essence, competing to develop new sixth-generation fighter aircraft, MBDA, with its UK and French divisions, is involved in both.

For GCAP – also known as FCAS, also known as Tempest – MBDA is the weapon effects domain lead, aiming to transform how weapons and weapons systems can be integrated into the fighter jet.

For FCAS – the solely European project – MBDA is developing

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Harry Lye


Harry Lye

Harry Lye was Senior Naval Reporter at Shephard Media.

Harry joined the company in 2021, …

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