Cubic tailors mortar simulator for the US Army
The company’s mortar trainer received improvements based on soldier’s feedback.
The US Navy will evaluate Saab’s AUV62-AT anti-submarine warfare (ASW) training system this summer under the Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT) programme.
The AUV62-AT is an artificial acoustic system that mimics a submarine. The navy will evaluate the system’s suitability as a replacement for its current ASW training system for its Undersea Warfare Training Range.
The AUV62-AT package trains operators in submarine surveillance, detection, identification, classification and target engagement. The system mimics a submarine in a way that is compatible with any torpedo and sonar system on the market today, fully replacing the use of a submarine in the role as a manoeuvring training target. It can be launched from a ship, submarine or shore.
The demonstration is planned for summer 2018, with an option to continue testing into 2019.
The company’s mortar trainer received improvements based on soldier’s feedback.
The company will operate in two new locations in the coming years to better support US services.
This type of tool provides more realistic training easing the incorporation of new scenarios that accurately represent the threats of the battlefield.
The Engineering Corps has been conducting individual instruction using FLAIM Systems’ Sweeper and should start collective deployments in 2025.
The next-generation platform is motion-compatible and can be used in OTW and NVG applications.
The system can be used to prepare soldiers for both drone offensive operations and CUAS missions.