Indonesian Navy changes names of Italian multipurpose combat ships
The newly-named KRI Prabu Siliwangi-321. (Photo: Fincantieri)
Two multipurpose combat ships sold to the Indonesian Navy by Fincantieri have had their names changed before they begin their new service lives.
Marcantonio Colonna and Ruggiero di Lauria were originally built as the fifth and sixth units of the seven-vessel Thaon di Revel (Pattugliatori Polivalenti d'Altura) class destined for the Italian Navy.
But the two vessels were sold to the Indonesian Navy in 2024 for approximately €1.2 billion (US$1.3 billion).
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The Thaon di Revel class can have different combat system configurations, starting from a 'Light' version for patrol tasks, through a 'Light+' version for combat support, and culminating in a 'Full' version, equipped with a complete defence ability.
The two vessels sold to Indonesia were in the Light+ configuration, and like the rest of the class, were designed from the start to be both highly modular, allowing for a wide range of uses, and entirely scaleable up and down the options.
Two of the remaining vessels within the Italian fleet, for instance, began their service lives in the Light configuration but are planned for upgrade to the Full version.
Marcantonio Colonna and Ruggiero di Lauria were renamed KRI Brawijaya-320 and KRI Prabu Siliwangi-321, respectively, at the ceremony at Fincantieri’s shipyard in Muggiano (La Spezia).
The sale in 2024 was regarded by both sides as an important step forward in naval cooperation between the two nations.
The remaining five vessels in the class are expected to replace the four Soldati-class frigates and eight Minerva-class corvettes currently operating within the Italian fleet.
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