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LIMWS moves on to first production lots

16th July 2020 - 09:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team


BAE Systems has received $179 million in contract awards from the US Army as part of the Limited Interim Missile Warning System (LIMWS) Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) programme.

The company won the LIMWS QRC development contract in December 2017, followed the next year by the initial production order. 

Details of the latest award, announced on 15 July, include orders for the first two production lots and funding to enable fielding of the next-generation missile warning system for rotary-wing aircraft.

LIMWS is based on the 2-Color Advanced Warning System (2-CAWS) processor, which BAE Systems developed in conjunction with Leonardo.

As a result, aircrews will obtain advanced threat detection capabilities, improving survivability and mission effectiveness in contested environments.

‘These orders follow an intensive two-year development and qualification program, made possible by a strong industry-government partnership focused on achieving an aggressive schedule,’ said Chris Austin, director of threat detection solutions at BAE Systems.

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