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Artificial intelligence and warfare - an introduction (podcast)

22nd July 2021 - 15:00 GMT | by Studio

Introducing Shephard Studio’s Artificial Intelligence on the Battlefield podcast, sponsored by our partner Systel.

Welcome to the first episode of the Artificial Intelligence on the Battlefield podcast. Listen on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify and more.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer the stuff of science fiction but part of everyday reality. 

The promise and massive advantages of AI have led to doctrinal shifts and reimagining of systems and approaches for militaries around the world. 

AI can now be found in a vast range of military technology, from autonomous systems to data-gathering sensors.

AI and machine learning applications are much quicker than humans, reducing user workload and enhancing productivity. This poses significant challenges and opportunities for militaries.

Welcome to Shephard Studio’s Artificial Intelligence on the Battlefield podcast, sponsored by our partner Systel.

Over the course of three episodes, we are looking at the evolution of AI and machine learning in modern warfare. 

We discuss the changing capabilities of the US and its allies, as well as the growing challenge from their peer competitors. 

And we’ll consider areas such as information processing and human-machine teaming, asking what this will mean for warfighters in the coming decades. 




Shephard Studio works closely with companies and event organisers across the aerospace and defence industry …

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