MTSI to support Missile Defense Agency CAPL programme
Modern Technology Solutions Inc (MTSI) is helping the US Missile Defense Agency extend its capabilities to defeat the next generation of threats.
Under a $68.5 million contract with a completion date of 16 September 2023, the company will assist in the evaluation, identification and maturation of new technologies and future concepts.
These concepts include hypersonics; cruise missiles; cyber attack and defence; AI and machine learning; quantum science; left-through-right-of-launch integration (LTRI); fully networked C2; and directed energy.
LTRI refers to a framework of enhanced data sharing, technologies and capabilities across US warfighter, policy, intelligence, and acquisition organisations.
Work from MTSI will feed into the Concepts and Performance Lab (CAPL) programme within the MDA Advanced Technology initiative.
According to the DoD, CAPL will mature advanced interceptor and sensor concepts models and simulations, algorithm development/implementations, laboratory experiments and/or ground and flight-testing required for technical and operational assessment of capabilities.
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