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Swiss Air Force helicopter simulator receives new certification

16th December 2013 - 11:51 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The EC635 helicopter Full Flight Mission Simulator (FFMS) in service with the Swiss Air Force has achieved JAR FSTD-H Level D certification issued by Switzerland’s Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) - the highest possible level of FSTD certification. The simulator is located at Emmen Air Base, Switzerland.

The Thales simulator is used to train EC635 helicopter aircrews, allowing pilots to train and perfect their skills with a high degree of realism. The simulator meets the Swiss Air Force's specific pilot instruction and training requirements to improve operational effectiveness, raise levels of crew and operator safety and reduce environmental impacts.

The simulator was developed for a range of capabilities, including ab-initio to tactical training, and allows pilots to train for emergency situations and more than 280 different types of equipment failures. It can be used to train aircrews for missions including cargo and personnel transport, search and rescue and forest firefighting.

Pilots train under highly realistic flight conditions in varied natural settings, including mountain regions. The simulator can reproduce whiteout and brownout situations, terrain-induced turbulence, very low-level flight and complex landing approach profiles.

FOCA is responsible for aviation development and the supervision of civil aviation activities in Switzerland. The FOCA is part of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) and is charged with ensuring that the high safety standards in civil aviation in Switzerland are maintained, and with pursuing a policy of sustainable development.

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