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Blue Bear adds SATCOM to swarming C2 system

11th August 2020 - 16:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team


UK technology company Blue Bear Systems Research has worked with Inmarsat and Cobham to add a SATCOM capability to its Centurion multi-domain swarming C2 system.

‘We have been able to integrate this capability rapidly, with excellent results,’ said Blue Bear managing director Ian Williams-Wynn.

Centurion allows users to control single, multiple or swarms of drones, from anywhere in the world, using a single command centre, or via multiple, localised, field deployed locations.

Centurion can be installed on fully mobile field deployable vehicles such as the Blue Bear MMCS (pictured), which has recently been upgraded with the SATCOM capability.

Therefore, the company claims, Centurion can be deployed anywhere in the world to control any type of unmanned platform (UAV, UGV, USV or UUV).

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