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Retrofit of RNZAF NH90 TTH fleet complete

30th July 2014 - 12:15 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Airbus Helicopters has completed work to retrofit four NH90 Tactical Transport Helicopters (TTH) of the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) fleet to bring them up to final configuration standard. The work was conducted at the RNZAF operational base in Ohakea.

The work brings the entire RNZAF NH90 TTH fleet of eight aircraft up to final configuration. The first four aircraft were delivered in initial configuration, with Airbus Helicopters beginning the upgrade work in September 2013.

New Zealand has acquired the NH90 helicopters to replace the RNZAF’s Iroquois fleet. The aircraft will provide the air force with a medium utility helicopter for the next 30 years.

Similar retrofit programmes are underway in other countries, with a total of 10 aircraft having already been completed. Seventeen more NH90s are currently undergoing retrofit at five different locations in France, Italy, Finland, Germany and Australia.


Huey II

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