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Hughes transmits through rotor blades

22nd July 2015 - 12:00 GMT | by The Shephard News Team


Hughes Network Systems' Defense and Intelligence Systems Division (DISD) has demonstrated the real-time transmission of video through helicopter blades using new beyond-line-of-sight (BLoS) technology.

The tests demonstrated the transmission of high-definition video without signal disruption using the company's end-to-end SATCOM solution. A NorthStar Aviation Bell 407 helicopter was used for the test, which was supported by Northrop Grumman, DataPath, General Dynamics and Boeing. The signal was transmitted in the Ka-band over the Inmarsat-5 F2 satellite for the demonstration, but the system can transmit across all frequency bands.

A ruggedised modem was used during the flight tests. The new waveform technology has potential application to military intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, wildfire response, police patrol, search and rescue and border security missions, where ground operatives are potentially thousands of miles away from the aircraft. 

Rick Lober, vice president and GM, Hughes DISD, said: 'High definition video with zero packet loss through rotary blades is a significant new capability for satellite communications. The military and law enforcement personnel employing helicopters for BLoS communication have been limited in the past, but not anymore.

'This technology opens the door for pervasive use of SATCOM-enabled helicopters over mountainous terrain, open water, natural disasters, or anywhere that line of sight communication means are blocked or out of range.'

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