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Eurocopter pushes EC725 Caracal helicopter for Poland

3rd September 2013 - 17:14 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Eurocopter is using the MSPO exhibition in Kielce to advance efforts to offer its EC725 Caracal helicopter as a solution for the Polish Ministry of Defence’s (MoD’s) programme to acquire 70 new multi-role helicopters.

Eurocopter has proposed the Caracal for the MoD’s helicopter acquisition programme. To support its proposal, the company joined with Turbomeca in signing industrial cooperation agreements with Wojskowe Zaklady Lotnicze No. 1 to create full assembly lines in Poland for the Caracal and its Makila 2 turboshaft engines.

Guillaume Faury, CEO, Eurocopter, said: ‘Our Caracal is a proven and reliable choice for Poland’s multi-role helicopter tender, as demonstrated by its battle-proven experience and confirmed by a growing list of customers.

‘Eurocopter’s response to the tender is fully coherent with our long-standing strategy of working with Poland’s industry to further integrate its companies into the global supply chain. We are ready to build this partnership well beyond the Caracal tender, and to support the Polish defence industry’s development.’

Eurocopter is displaying the Caracal during MSPO with many of the weapons systems compatible with the helicopter, including window-mounted 7.62 mm. machine guns, pod-mounted 20 mm. cannons, 68 mm. rocket launchers, anti-tank guided missiles and torpedoes.

The multi-role 11-metric-ton-class Caracal is capable of performing a wide range of missions, including armed operations, troop transport, naval, and rescue duties. It can carry up to 28 passengers in addition to the flight crew, and is equipped with a five- blade main rotor system, and advanced avionics and systems.

Current customers for the Caracal are France, Brazil, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.


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