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Rafael lifts the veil on Aerospike

16th May 2022 - 17:45 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Aerospike (circled in red) in flight. (Photo: Rafael Advanced Defense Systems)

New air-to-surface missile for fixed-wing aircraft from Rafael is optimised for close air support, counterterrorism and anti-A2AD applications.

Rafael Advanced Defense Systems used the opening day of the SOFIC 2022 exhibition in Tampa, Florida, to unveil its Aerospike air-to-surface EO/IR precision-guided missile (PGM) for close air support, counterterrorism and anti-A2AD applications.

Designed specifically for fixed-wing aircraft, the lightweight Aerospike is based on capabilities already fielded in the Spike LR2 antitank missile, such as a dual high-resolution EO/IR seeker, detect-and-track capabilities and scene-matching technology.

The new PGM offers CEP accuracy of 3ft (0.91m) or less ‘and offers an significant stand-off range of 30km, all within a contested environment, [and] independent of GPS’, Rafael announced on 16 May.

A real-time RF data link allows ‘seamless man-in-the-loop operation and advanced lethality’ from Aerospike by high-explosive antitank (HEAT) and blast fragmentation warheads, the Israeli company added.

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