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USN orders Harpoon and SLAM-ER weapon systems

14th May 2020 - 10:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The USN has awarded a $3.1 billion contract for Boeing’s Harpoon and Standoff Land Attack Missile Expanded Response (SLAM-ER) weapons systems, in support of FMS customers.

Some $2.6 billion was contracted on 13 May; the remaining funds had already been previously awarded.

Saudi Arabia will receive 650 SLAM-ER missiles whilst Block II Harpoon missiles will be manufactured for Brazil, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Thailand. Harpoon services will also be provided to India, Japan, the Netherlands and South Korea.

Cindy Gruensfelder, VP of Boeing Weapons, said: ‘These awards will not only extend production of the Harpoon programme through 2026, they will also restart the production line for SLAM-ER and ensure deliveries through 2028.’

The latest SLAM-ER was delivered in 2008 but Boeing began construction of a new 35,000ft2 production facility for both the Harpoon and SLAM-ER programmes in October 2019. Construction is set to be completed in 2021.



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