Saab receives UK defence training orders
Defence and security company Saab has received additional orders from the UK Ministry of Defence to enhance their existing provision of live training capabilities to the British Army abroad and in the UK. The orders amount to approximately MSEK 221 (app. MGBP 20).
"We have achieved good results in recent and current projects and have a trustful relation with the UK Army. Building upon this we have secured contracts that include the provision of additional simulators for weapons and target systems under the current Direct Fire Weapon Effects Simulator (DFWES) programme to support Mission Specific Training (MST) on Salisbury Plain Training Area. An extension to the contract also provides instrumental C-IED* training capability as part of a managed training service." says Henrik Höjer, Managing Director Saab Training & Simulation.
In addition and in support to the UK training effort later this year, the complete Deployed Tactical Engagement Systems (D-TES) capability will be shipped from Kenya to UK and deployed to Salisbury Plain.
"Our Counter Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) training capability improves skills through enhanced coaching and realistic practice. We are proud to continue to support this mission essential training through the employment of our expertise which is helping to save lives," continues Henrik Höjer.
The capability is being delivered by field teams to the point of need, i.e. in barracks, training establishments or training areas where UK military personnel conduct pre deployment training. The recently awarded contract extension provides for more training, an improvement to GPS accuracy and increased video recording coverage and range. These product improvements provide greater accuracy and richness of feedback to troops and commanders regarding their C-IED performance.
*An improvised explosive device is a homemade bomb, frequently used by terrorist or guerilla forces. The Counter-IED training is aimed at preparing the soldiers for finding such devices and rendering them harmless.
Source: Saab
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