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Moog rolls out offering for UK GBAD requirement

19th September 2024 - 17:19 GMT | by Damian Kemp in Millbrook, England


Moog’s RIwP on Ridgeback at DVD. (Photo: Moog)

The Reconfigurable Integrated-weapons Platform (RIwP) is a modular remote weapons station designed to counter a wide spectrum of threats ranging from enemy infantry and armoured vehicles, to helicopters and UAS. Manufacturer Moog is promoting it for the UK’s GBAD requirement.

Moog has been showing its RIwP system on a vehicle for the first time outside the US at Defence Vehicle Demonstration (DVD) 2024 as part of its drive to meet UK requirements for a vehicle-mounted Ground-Based Air Defence System (GBAD).

At DVD, RIwP was mounted on a Ridgeback 4x4 protected mobility vehicle, a vehicle being retired from British Army service under the Land Mobility Programme (LMP) but that has 148 systems in service on US Stryker vehicles.

The company described the vehicle-mounted RIwP on display as configured for the British Army’s current short-range air-defence (SHORAD) requirement within the Land GBAD Programme.


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Damian Kemp


Damian Kemp

Damian Kemp has worked in the defence media for 25 years covering military aircraft, defence …

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