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Raytheon Global Broadcast Service delivers full-motion video to improve intelligence imagery for warfighters

23rd September 2010 - 07:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Raytheon Company delivered the final phase of expanded Global Broadcast Service full-motion video capabilities to improve intelligence video imagery available to warfighters.

The GBS installation is in direct support of US Central Command (CENTCOM) operations. Concurrent with the broadcast installation, Raytheon implemented changes on the receive suite production line to ease access to the video data.

GBS augments oversubscribed government communications systems to deliver high- volume, continuous information to multiple users. GBS transmits high-resolution imagery, video, audio, data and other information files with sizes in the megabyte range to many users over a single communication channel.

"GBS pushes and pulls critical intelligence data to warfighters wherever they are," said Mark Single, Raytheon's GBS senior program manager. "The GBS broadcast is also capable of offloading high-volume intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data from communications transport systems. This allows for enhanced efficiency and effective use of available systems and the associated capabilities to provide bandwidth for tactical operations."

The recent installation was part of a multiphased plan to support increased mission requirements for CENTCOM. The first phase occurred in November 2009.

Source: Raytheon

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