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Harris Corporation introduces USB thumb drive designed for US government cyber security missions

27th September 2010 - 14:53 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Harris Corporation, an international communications and information technology company, has introduced a highly customizable USB thumb drive that quickly extracts targeted data from computers. The device - called BlackJack - is designed for military, intelligence, and law enforcement cyber security missions, where speed, stealth and accuracy are paramount considerations.

The BlackJack device boots in less than three seconds. It automatically scans and copies data by prioritizing search criteria and securely partitions search results for analysis. Unlike other search devices, it has LED indicators that immediately alert to the presence or absence of targeted data, so users can be certain whether they have indeed located and extracted information of interest.

"This is a true breakthrough for the military, intelligence, and law enforcement communities that provide advanced computer forensics in the field without leaving a telltale footprint behind," said Richard White, vice president, Advanced Information Solutions, Harris Government Communications Systems. "The BlackJack(TM) solution is lightning-fast, durable and has the potential for application in other markets, including corporate computer forensics."

Source: Harris Corp

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