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Exelis awarded NATO country Enhanced HCDR contract

17th June 2014 - 09:36 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Exelis will deliver Enhanced High-Capacity Data radios (HCDRs) to an unnamed NATO customer under a new $12 million contract announced on 16 June. Work on the contract will run through 2016.

The radios are being acquired by the customer to enhance their existing communications capabilities, currently based on the High Capacity Data Radio (HCDR) - an intelligent, self-managing, ad hoc networking radio that provides a secure data link between mounted and dismounted headquarters and fielded forces.

The Enhanced HCDR improves the amount of data that can be transmitted, offering network data rates in excess of eight Mbps (megabits per second) while still maintaining the attributes of a scalable, ad hoc networking system.  

The Enhanced HCDR also enables full network integration (both data and voice), through Internet Protocol, ensuring timely transit of mission critical information that includes intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data.

Chris Reith, managing director, Exelis Defence Limited in Basingstoke, said: ‘This award is a result of this country’s armed forces commitment to the superior capabilities of products like our Enhanced HCDR, and our pledge to deliver cutting-edge, ready-now solutions.’

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