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European UAS turboprop engine in development

24th September 2019 - 10:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Safran Helicopter Engines will cooperate with ZF Luftfahrttechnik (ZFL) and MT-Propeller to develop a new turboprop engine intended for European unmanned applications.

The engine will be derived from Safran's Ardiden 3 and will use technologies matured through the company’s Tech TP technological demonstrator, which ran for the first time in June 2019 as part of the Clean Sky 2 research and innovation programme.

MT-Propeller will be responsible for the propeller and ZFL for the propeller and accessory gearbox. 

The turboprop will be designed for operation at medium and high altitude, up to 45,000ft, and will have a unique throttle and a full authority digital engine and propeller control for both power and propeller pitch.  

Bruno Bellanger, Safran Helicopter Engines EVP programs, said: ‘This partnership lays the foundation of a solid cooperation between renowned actors in the field of aircraft propulsion.

‘It will offer the European aerospace industry a 100% European engine solution for new unmanned applications, featuring high levels of design maturity and competitive operating and maintenance costs.’

Ardiden 3G

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