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ASV Global, TerraSond complete USV cable survey

12th October 2017 - 14:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


ASV Global and TerraSond have completed a seabed cable route survey supported by an unmanned surface vehicle (USV), the company announced on 5 October.

The survey took place in a range of water depths and currents, while facing difficult wind and sea conditions in the Bering Sea off Alaska.

The project saw the ASV Global C-Worker 5 USV equipped with a payload including a hull-mounted multibeam sonar, a sub-bottom profiler, and a towed sidescan sonar with 250m of armoured sonar cable.

A total of 1,220km of cable route survey lines was then successfully executed by the C-Worker 5 system.

Throughout the operation, the C-Worker 5 was remotely monitored using ASV Global’s ASView control system from a station on TerraSond’s mother vessel. ASView used exported .dxf survey lines from TerraSond’s survey planning system to autonomously execute an accurate survey with minimal human intervention.

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